College Credit - OkieScuba

College Credit

That’s right, you can get college credit with certain scuba courses! But really let’s just focus on the scuba part of this cause school is just ya. But seriously need an hour here or there, check to see if your college will accept ACE credit.

How It Works

Validating the quality of the PADI System of diver education, many institutions and national educational councils around the world recommend PADI scuba courses for college credit, occupational certificates or educational funding. Find out how it works in your area.

United States

The American Council on Education (ACE) through its College Credit Recommendation Service has evaluated and recommended college credit for 25 PADI courses and the Emergency First Response Instructor course. ACE is the major coordinating body for all the nation’s higher education institutions.

Want to learn more? Download an information sheet and Student Transcript Request form (pdf) or contact PADI Americas at Visit this link if any of the above links are broken!


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